1·There are many cases of jargon, but because most terms aren't officially sanctioned, a set of workers in one area may not share the same jargon terms with a group in a different area.
2·Find and select an appropriate metaphor to explain key concepts and keep the list of terms short a "technical jargon is a sure-fire way to lose an audience."
3·For this reason, you should be careful when using jargon for controlled terms.
4·If the interviewer USES a lot of technical terms and industry jargon, so should you.
5·Avoid unnecessary jargon, or specialized or technical terms.
6·Just as business and science reporters avoid economic and business jargon, sportswriters should avoid terms that only the most ardent fan or coach would know.
7·HDTV doesn't need to be an incomprehensible morass of technical terms, jargon, and marketing hype, because at heart, it's pretty darn simple: HDTV is a better picture.
8·Avoid overuse of jargon, unless you are sure that your audience will be readily familiar with all specialized terms.
9·In this book I have tried to avoid unnecessary jargon and have explained all unfamiliar terms as I go along.
10·Although specialized terms can be used, pretentious jargon should be avoided.